Hey everyone,
Long story short, over the weekend I was forced to remove all the PokeBeach images that were on the site. This means a lot of scans are now missing, and in order to get new images up as quickly as possible I could use some help!
The Game Plan
I’m looking for people that can help do data entry type work. Basically how the process works is that I will upload new images to the site, and then those new images need to be assigned to the right cards in the database. That’s where you would come in!
I’ve shot a short screen capture video to show exactly how it’s done, which you can watch here.
It’s very simple and I’d do it all myself (which I already have done once), but at this point I figure we can get this done WAYYY faster with more than one person on the job. It takes about 1 to 2 hours per set, depending on how quick you are (and how large the set is).
Just to be clear, I’ll upload the images to the site, and all you need to do is go into each card entry and set the featured image plus author. Pretty easy.
At this point, I think we’re fairly up to date with modified cards, so we’ll move backwards from most recent to oldest sets until we’re caught up.
If you’ve got some free time and think you’d like to help, shoot me an e-mail at adam@tcgscans.com and I’ll get you more info. Even if you can only do 1 set, that would be awesome.
Full Card Text
Next thing on the agenda is full card text. I’ve made decent progress on this along with Alice who graciously volunteered to help out. She’s done a killer job and I really appreciate her help!
I think almost all modified legal cards have their full card text typed out which is incredible – we got that done very fast!
If you’d like to help out with this too, just let me know. Typing out card text is a little more involved and time-consuming than doing the image assigning, but I could give you admin powers for editing and if you’re ever bored, you could type out a few cards when you feel like it.
New Scans?
One of my original goals with this site was to get high-quality non-watermarked card scans on the site, and I’d still very like to do that. However, I’ll admit I was a little too high with my standards for the scans and initially turned some contributors away.
I apologize for that, and have revised the submissions instructions page with simpler, less picky scanning and image editing instructions. Please read over that page if you’d like to help with the scans project.
Basically we’ll need people who can either scan cards and/or edit images. I’m incapable of doing either at the moment, but if you’d like to help, please let me know. :)
Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for supporting this site! I’m glad it’s been useful for a lot of people, and I’m doing my best to help it grow and get better. One step at a time…
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