- ↓ 7.60
- ꩜ 13.28
- ↑ 34.26
Ancient Trait ⇢ Δ Evolution
You may play this card from your hand to evolve a Pokémon during your first turn or the turn you play that Pokémon.
Ability ⇢ Clear Humming
Each of your {C} Pokémon has no Weakness.
{C}{C} → Wing Attack : 30
illus. Naoki Saito
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
On sunny days, it flies freely through the sky and blends into the clouds. It sings in a beautiful soprano.
What does the “Staff” mean?
When you attend a pre-release, you get a pre-release promo card with the set name on it. The person(s) organizing the pre-release gets the same promo card, with a little extra “staff” brand on it.
David Byrne for President
There are so many stamps/ruleboxes/flavor text/etc. on this card that it’s almost as cluttered as FST Prerelease Deoxys!!!