- ↓ 4.60
- ꩜ 6.45
- ↑ 12.65
Search your deck for up to 2 Trainer cards with Ball in their names, show them to your opponent, and put them into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
· Supporter rule: You can play only 1 Supporter card each turn. When you play this card, put it next to your Active Pokémon. When your turn ends, discard this card.
illus. Kagemaru Himeno
External: Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
This supporter sucks, it only searches balls.
If this were legal today, it would probably be a 61st card for most of my decks. Searching for your search power is really good, and it thins your deck fairly well. Also, if you chose 2 dual balls and flip quad heads, you essentially just played a Collector and then some.
I’d rather play collector, I’d rather get 3 basics than a 6.25% chance at 4. Too risky, plus you have to run Dual Ball also.
I agree. But it is nice to double the thinning power and get another basic out of it.
Before putting this in Terrakion remember you don’t play collector.
Would be a staple in Eel
Dark Kira
Get ALL the Hidden Ball Tricks
PKMN Trainer Alluka
Some card games run into this all the time. “Ball” is the “archetype” because it has support from Apricorn Maker. The group of cards are supported by Apricorn Maker by the name (Ball) in the Japanese language. In Japanese, “Ball” is “ボール”, but Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick (マツブサの隠し玉) doesn’t have “ボール” in its name.
Has the Pokémon TCG ever had this kind of translation inconsistency before? I would like to see how TPCi would respond to this. I imagine the response to be pretty amusing or maybe they won’t care that Apricorn Maker can supernaturally create Maxies with his Apricorns.
Likely the response would be utter silence, as they are loath to issue rulings about cards that are not currently legal (and even more loath to issue rulings concerning cards that were never simultaneously legal).
The closest ruling we have to this is one that states that there has to be a complete word match for an effect to work properly. “Darkrai” is not a valid instance of “dark” and “balloon ” is not a valid instance of ‘ball.’ Likely, they wouldn’t accept the interaction.
Really though, what sort of awful name is “Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick?” It sounds weird on multiple levels
Remembers me of how Summoned Skull is considered to have “Archfiend” in its name in Yu-Gi-Oh
Dark Kira
YGO is the only game worse than Pokemon in this aspect.
Kurt, frustrated by his inability to solve the mystery of the GS Ball, became a hermit, grew magnificent facial hair and obtained a friendly Sunkern and a fabulous gi.