- ↓ 0.40
- ꩜ 0.61
- ↑ 2.69
{C} → Drizzle
If you have {W} Energy cards in your hand, attach as many {W} Energy cards as you like to any of your Active Pokémon.
{W}{C} → Max Bubbles : 30×
Flip a coin for each Energy attached to all of your Active Pokémon. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.
illus. Mitsuhiro Arita
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Max Bubbles’ original attack name was originally styled バブルMAX (Bubble MAX), which is similar to the original name of Jungle Exeggutor’s Big Eggsplosion – たまなげMAX (loosely, Barrage MAX). Hence the similarity in attack function.
Azumarill does okay, but there are quite a few cards with MAX attacks that lost the naming convention in translation, including N2 Omastar, RS Delcatty, et al. What’s weird is that N4 Dark Exeggcutor [sic] retained the all-caps MAX styling for its MAX Burst attack, but a card like AQ Exeggutor (13), which originally had MAX in both its attack names, doesn’t have MAX in the name of either of the attacks for its English print. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯