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Once during each player’s turn, that player may flip a coin. If heads, the player draws a card.
· Stadium rule: This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
illus. Hideaki Hakozaki
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Why are Mewtwo and Kyurem fighting? Also, Kyurem seems to be in a standing position when they are obviously in midair.
Mewtwo and Kyurem were the two new Pokémon-EX featured in the newly released expansion Next Destinies, which mostly consists of cards released in the Japanese dual release expansions numbered BW3: Psycho Drive and Hail Blizzard (サイコドライブ • ヘイルブリザード), which begin the trend of naming expansions after attacks of the featured Pokémon. In this case, Psycho Drive’s name refers to Mewtwo-EX’s attack (localized as Psydrive), and Hail Blizzard is Kyurem-EX’s attack.
As for the Kyurem in midair question, it can learn Fly in the video games.
In Japan, this card was included as an insert in the October 2011 issue of the CoroCoro magazine, and it features the Psycho Drive and Hail Blizzard logos, as well as CoroCoro’s dragon mascot.