- ↓ 0.01
- ꩜ 0.14
- ↑ 1.28
{R}{C}{C} → Flamethrower : 70
Discard an Energy attached to this Pokémon.
illus. kawayoo
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When the twig is plucked from its tail, friction sets the twig alight. The flame is used to send signals to its allies.
Stuart Newsby
Why is there no Delphox in this set?
For real though anyone got an answer?
A portion of BREAKthrough is sourced from the Japanese Legendary Shine Collection, which was a tie-in with the Hoopa movie. Most Pokémon in that Japanese set make some sort of appearance in the movie, including Serena’s not-fully-evolved Braixen. As such, no Delphox.
The same reason is why BREAKthrough includes Frogadier with no Greninja (Ash’s hadn’t evolved yet), and a whopping three Chespin with only one Quilladin and Chesnaught (two Chespin represent the set’s urban/rural theme, and the third is Clemont’s unevolved one).
(Correction: the Legendary Shine Collection Chespin actually became Black Star Promo XY88. The third Chespin in BREAKthrough is an unrelated Japanese promo, lol)
Thank you!
It kinda makes me miss those special Movie VS sets where we would receive proper owner’s Pokemon. (And by we I mean Japan, since global markets would rarely get those kinds of cards in English)