- ↓ 0.32
- ꩜ 0.55
- ↑ 2.00
Choose 1 of your opponent’s face-down Prizes. Guess whether it is an Energy card, a Trainer card, or a Pokémon (Basic or Evolution) card. Flip the card face up (and leave it face up). If you guessed right, draw 2 cards.
illus. K. Hoshiba + CR CG gangs
External: Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
First CotD on Pkmncards.com!
Since it counts as a Trainer, I’d say that the potential to draw 2 cards is pretty decent. Multiple of these can be played in succession to lower the damage potential of Gallade SW’s Psychic Cut.
Adam Capriola
Haha not quite the first COTD! :P I’ll announce when it’s ready, still working out some kinks.
It should have been on your own prizes cards, so you could combo it with Azelf LA :o
Pokémon 31337
And Rotom UD.
You’re still favored to get it right if you guess Trainer.
Especially against decks with 40 trainers in them :)
Another strange variation on the refusal to just say “a Pokemon” and leave it at that. Presumably, this instance *wasn’t* intended to omit Baby Pokemon, which weren’t Basic or Evolution cards in the original Japanese prints.
I almost feel this arcane “Basic or Evolution” business that plagued the early generations was motivated by Wizards thinking players were too dumb to know that “a Pokemon card” refers to a card featuring an actual species of Pokemon and not just any card in the Pokemon Trading Card Game. Perhaps a useful delineation if you’re playing some arcane Calvinball-esque TCG with decks made up of Pokemon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, Magic cards, and what have you all mixed together — but completely unnecessary otherwise.
Also, hey! It’s the Game Freak logo :)
Apparently the Japanese version parenthetically lists out Basic, Evolution, *and* Baby Pokemon, so if the avoidance of just saying Pokemon really was due to that potential “confusion”, I guess a severe underestimation of players was a global issue :v