- ↓ 8.20
- ꩜ 10.34
- ↑ 19.99
Ability ⇢ Cursed Shadow
Once during your turn (before your attack), if this Pokémon is your Active Pokémon, you may put 3 damage counters on your opponent’s Pokémon in any way you like.
{P}{P}{C} → Eerie Glow : 50
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned and Confused.
illus. Naoyo Kimura
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It absorbs a spirit, which it then burns. By waving the flames on its arms, it puts its foes into a hypnotic trance.
Matheus Aguiar
That attack sounds so much fun that I almost forget that the Ability is the real deal.
Chandelure used to be good. What ever happened to those days? EX cards.
This can still make a fun deck to play against beginners with little to no EX cards. :)
As long as Darkrai isn’t one of the few (if any) I’m sure it’d do fine.
No Name
Great ability!! Reminds me of Orbeetle VMAX.
Tatu chín đai
Such a good ability…. https://mobile.twitter.com/PokemonTCG/status/1581389464886050816
why is this card randomly so much more expensive than the other non holo rares from this set?
Gym Leader Challange format I believe
It doesn’t see much play in GLC. It’s always been expensive. Noble Victories reverse holos are all pricey too
What Chandelure did see much play in was the HS-NVI format, a decently popular retro format given its a mid-season format and not a Worlds format.
Durant was also a strong deck in this format and is a $5 uncommon; Terrakion was a strong contender in this format and beyond and is a $3.66 Holo Rare, but it has the benefit of a Legendary Treasures reprint and several non-Holo deck exclusives on top of the rarer Full Art and Secret Rare, while Chandelure just has a Secret Rare and Durant had nothing at all. (Keep in mind that these Secret Rares aren’t from Noble Victories.)
Beheyeem is the most expensive card in Noble Victories whose price has been dictated by Gym Leader Challenge. It is an efficient spread attacker in GLC Psychic Spread, but as far as I know it never saw play in standard.
Litwick BW27 is another example of a card whose value has been driven up in price by Chandelure’s strength in the retro format HS-NVI. It’s a $23 promo now, and for good reason: it’s the optimal Litwick in both HS-NVI and GLC thanks to Call for Family, and it was a $8 card in the deck’s hay day even when the only people playing the deck were those who could afford to buy a few Tropical Beach, according to Tricky Gym (who actually made a video featuring this Chandelure/Vileplume deck). Now, casual players can build the deck using World Championship copies of Tropical Beach, so while there may not be as many people playing the format as in late 2011, there may actually be a higher percentage of players building Chandelure.
This is all correct, other than Terrakion being a strong contender. Landorus was the Fighting attacker of choice for Electrode decks in HS-NVI, with Terrakion being seen more sparingly. It only took over majorly when Darkrai EX was released two sets later, as it crucially hits 90 (x2 = 180), instead of Lando’s 80.