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Poké-BODY ⇢ Sweet Sleeping Face
As long as Cleffa is Asleep, prevent all damage done to Cleffa by attacks.
{@} → Eeeeeeek
Shuffle your hand into your deck, then draw 6 cards. Cleffa is now Asleep.
illus. sui
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Because of its unusual, star-like silhouette, people believe that it came here on a meteor.
David Elliott
It’s as if cleffa is really Professor Oak battling with pokemon. He only has 30 HP because he is a weak human, he shuffles your hand into your deck and allows you to draw 3 cards (PONT), and he screams “eeeeeeek” because he is about to be annihilated by Zekrom and other pokemon.
Blob Takeshi
Then Zekrom later found out that Cleffa is a Fairy Type in disguise, so before Cleffa could unleash it’s true horrifying power, Zekrom went on a killing spree and from this day on, Cleffa have never been seen again…