- ↓ 39.50
- ꩜ 53.52
- ↑ 69.45
Pokémon Power ⇢ Conductivity
Whenever your opponent attaches an Energy card from his or her hand to a Pokémon, this power does 10 damage to that Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.) This power stops working if you have more than 1 Dark Ampharos in play or while Dark Ampharos is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
{L}{C}{C} → Shock Bolt : 50
Discard all {L} Energy cards attached to Dark Ampharos or this attack does nothing.
illus. Kagemaru Himeno · LV.36
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Its brightly lit tail can be seen for miles in the dark, even by ships on the sea.
Blob Takeshi
This is the first set since Base Set, where both English and Japanese versions have the same amount of cards.
Conductivity has a quirk in its translation.
JP: 自分の場のほかの「わるいデンリュウ」の「かんでん」がはたらいているときや、このカードが「ねむり・マヒ・こんらん」状態のとき、この力は、はたらかない。
EN (WOTC): This power stops working if you have more than 1 Dark Ampharos in play or while Dark Ampharos is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
EN (mine): This power doesn’t work if you have another Dark Ampharos in play whose Conductivity is active, or while Dark Ampharos is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
n.b. I’d appreciate someone double-checking my translation, but there’s a few things to mull over;
[1] Suppose you have N4 Dark Ampharos in play. Its Power will remain active. When you get a second N4 Dark Ampharos in play, neither language will allow the second instance of Conductivity to be active, but where EN shuts both down, JP will allow the first to remain active.
[2] Suppose you have two N4 Dark Ampharos in play. If something were to shut down the “first” one’s Conductivity Power – for example, Dark Arbok‘s Stare, N2 Igglybuff‘s Gaze, or N4 Dark Flaaffy‘s Stun Wave – the JP text, which allowed the first instance to remain active, will allow the “second” Conductivity to ‘take over’. The EN text wouldn’t allow either instance to be active in the first place, or allow the second instance to become active in this scenario.
[3] Suppose you have N4 Dark Ampharos and TRR Dark Ampharos in play. The EN text shuts Conductivity down – even though TRR Dark Ampharos has a different Ability. The JP text will not.
Quick clarifying reply on this one – I was already fairly confident, but since there’s a hint of uncertainty in the post.. I have confirmed the above with a Japanese player. Examples (1) and (2) are how Conductivity should work.