- ↓ 0.73
- ꩜ 1.40
- ↑ 4.38
Attach this card to 1 of your {D} Pokémon in play. That Pokémon may use this card’s attack instead of its own. At the end of your turn, discard Darkness Cube 01.
{D} → Plunder : 10
Before doing damage, discard any Trainer cards attached to the Defending Pokémon.
illus. “Big Mama” Tagawa
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Plunder [ごうだつ] debuted as an attack on N2 Houndour [39], returned as this card, and showed up 6 more times before ‘retiring’ after SF Skuntank. The functionally same attack existed as well as Mug [ぶんどる] on Aquapolis Mankey, and appears to be named different for flavor purposes – ごうだつ has more violent and underhanded connotations than ぶんどる, suiting the Dark type (and ‘bad’ Pokémon like Meowth) moreso than ぶんどる as was used on Mankey.
Plunder’s sunset seems to be motivated by the reclassification done (in HGSS for Japan, in BW for intl.) of all Trainer cards into Items, Supporters, Stadiums, or Tools – so future iterations of the attack would specify “Tool” vs. Trainer card more generally, and they seem to have decided to abandon the name after the effect was tweaked.
The successors appear to be;
Incinerate [やきつくす] – NVI Heatmor, STS Pyroar, BRS Charizard V
Joust [ねらいおとす] – DEX Escavalier, XY Skarmory EX, FST Sigilyph, LOR Sudowoodo
Obsidian Fang [ダークファング] – PLF Hydreigon, SM Krookodile
Peck Off [つつきおとす] – FLF Pidgey, ROS Fletchinder, LOT Pikipek
Pluck [ついばむ] – SSH Corvisquire, RCL Vullaby, DAA Rookiedee
Thunderous Kick [らいめいげり] – BRS Dumb Zapdos V
Incinerate and Thunderous Kick are moves from the video games. Likewise, ついばむ is Pluck is a Flying type move and debuted in the games Gen 4 – so it’s surprising “Peck Off” debuted in the TCG in Gen 6, as it has something of a Flying theme in the cards, and seems to have had its name changed to Pluck anyways.
Take a look in the search bar with the following prompt; https://pkmncards.com/?s=%2Btext%3A%22before+doing+damage%2C+discard%22&sort=date&ord=rev&display=images