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Poké-POWER ⇢ Reverse Time
Once during your turn, when you put Dialga from your hand onto your Bench, you may search your discard pile for up to 3 in any combination of Pokémon (excluding Pokémon LV.X) and basic Energy cards. Show them to your opponent and put them on top of your deck in any order.
{M}{C}{C} → Time-Space Traveling : 50
Draw cards until you have 7 cards in your hand.
illus. Mitsuhiro Arita · LV.72
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
It has the power to control time. It appears in Sinnoh-region myths as an ancient deity.
This seems extremely solid, but I only just noticed it. Why wasn’t it played as a one-of tech, at least?
Platinum was SP as well, so you’d just get Power Sprayed, then Bright Looked or Luring Flamed w/ that [C][C[C] cost.
Foon-Gus Fring
Oh dang I love this Poke-Power. I wanna see it come back!!!
Blob Takeshi
Wait, what… why do only some Pokémon in this set have Pokédex entries?
The Hawth
The card before this one has an ability and two attacks. There’s no room for a dex entry. SP Pokemon also don’t have one, because they are owner’s Pokemon, and not “wild.”
Blob Takeshi
Wait, but the last sets had dex entries and 3 moves.
Can someone find an example of a Stormfront card with 3 attacks and a dex entry? I’m not sure what Blob was talking about, here, I can’t find any card that was able to fit that much onto it. Actually, I think I remember noticing some DP/DPt era cards had Pokédex entries on the JP print of the card but lost them on the EN print – EN attack text is almost always longer and ends up taking more room.
On bothering to check: I don’t think any of the JP Platinum block cards – except for Shaymin (PL #14), who, with a DPBP# would’ve been a deliberate exception – had Pokédex entries? This is actually something I now remember noticing years ago. (I don’t think Stormfront kept Pokédex entries for the JP prints either, which explains why I’ve always personally thought of that set as being part of the Platinum block.)
Ah! So my musings on Stromfront Drifblim were something you were already looking into. I suppose Japan went for a consistent dexless layout that allowed for more space, but the English team were a bit more reluctant to drop the dex entries so instead tried to fit them in where they feasibly could. I’m not sure which approach I prefer — I do like consistency, but I also like the concept of having a flexible area of the card where some extra flavor can be added if it fits nicely.
Actually, I’m *now* realizing this – do you know what it actually was? It wasn’t just Stormfront and the Platinum block that introduced it, it was any card that didn’t have a DPBP# in the DP or DPt block didn’t have a Pokédex entry. Stormfront didn’t have any dex entries because none of its cards had DPBP#s assigned.
I don’t mind what the EN edition did – if they want to fill in dex entries if there’s the space for it, sure, but I think what they did was kind of pointless at the end of the day. It wasn’t like if the DPBP# used the Diamond dex entry they went with the Pearl dex entry if they could fit it on a non-DPBP#; rather, they’d just copy and paste whatever entry the DPBP# card had used. Which is really whatever.
I’m only now learning what the DPBP#s even *are* — essentially a reordering of the pokedex for the TCG, with forms listed separately and evolutions grouped together.
Linking for others who may not know:
So I guess in Japan, the dex entry was considered somehow connected to the DPBP#? Like, in the way dex numbers are connected to dex entries in the main series. So when they dropped one, they decided to drop the other too. The question then becomes were they dropping the dex entries from the cards without the DPBP#, or were they dropping the DPBP# from the cards without dex entries?
I’m not terrifically sure I follow, but I’ll try to answer as I understand the question? The goal was to have every Pokémon that existed be printed with one card with a DPBP# – it wasn’t really a question of dropping DPBP#, it was just “there just needs to be *one* Exeggutor with a DPBP#, every subsequent card is surplus to requirement and won’t have a DPBP#”. The card with the DPBP# got the Pokédex entry, and in the JP edition, it indeed looks like none of the cards without DPBP# got a Pokédex entry.
I think, like you’ve said, what they really wanted to do was introduce the idea of a new national dex numbering system, to group cross-generational Pokémon families together, and to give individual formes numbers – I wouldn’t be surprised if, at the time, there was something like the DPBP# used internally by some departments at GF, CR, and/or TPC. Re-adding Pokédex entries to the cards, after a very long absence, was something they probably wanted to do, but perhaps saw it as something of a trade-off in terms of allowing for enough card space to let them make cards with multiple attacks/cards with particularly complex attack effects, so the novelty of dex entries on DPBP#, but not on other cards, gave them a bit of wiggle room to have their cake and eat it too¹. They did try to do some novel stuff with the extra space on non-DPBP# cards, like the has:held-item cards, and more notably, the whole Pokémon-SP thing.
Does that actually answer the question..?
¹ I don’t want to make a rambling baseless speculation paragraph but I do want to add *somehow* that maybe they wanted a better idea of how much room they needed to leave for attacks when they got translated into necessarily wordier English-and-other-language equivalents, so TPCI might’ve been given an instruction of “listen, see how often you can fix in a dex entry where we’re worried you might not be able to, and after we do this for a couple years we should have enough data on how much room we *really* need to afford for dex entries and still be consistent across languages”?
Yes, that makes a lot more sense now! I didn’t realize that each pokemon was only getting a single DPBP#-having print. The fact they were only doing them once explains why they were suddenly dropping them.
If your theory that it was more or less an experiment about how well they can fit text before and after translation is correct, it would also tie in well with how much more standardized the layouts got in HGSS onward (and BW onward even moreso, when international consistency seemed to become an even higher priority *cough* wish international HGSS had item cards *cough*).