- ↓ 0.69
- ꩜ 1.26
- ↑ 4.99
Each {P} Pokémon’s attacks (both yours and your opponent’s) cost {C} less.
· Stadium rule: This card stays in play when you play it. Discard this card if another Stadium card comes into play. If another card with the same name is in play, you can’t play this card.
illus. Ryo Ueda
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You know, I originally thought the card said “Each [P] Pokemon’s retreat cost is [C] less.” Then I actually read the card. Mew-EX can do some rather nasty things with this card.
Adam Capriola
That’s what Mystery Energy does (sort of): https://pkmncards.com/card/mystery-energy-phantom-forces-phf-112/
There’s also Phoebe’s Stadium and Moonlight Stadium for that.
So, for example, I could use zu/go/crobat attacks without ever attaching even 1 energy?
Yes, this is that good.
No Name
I love this card. Wish it would get reprinted.
Warnock 2022
It’s fun in Expanded with CRE Kecleon. Lets you attack for only two energy: {P} + whatever type you choose! I like using powerful {C} energy, also, to hit harder.