- ↓ 0.87
- ꩜ 1.23
- ↑ 1.29
Pokémon (Eevee) › Basic : Evolves into Jolteon, Flareon, Vaporeon, Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon, Glaceon, Sylveon, Glaceon-GX, Sylveon-GX, Umbreon-GX, Espeon-GX, Leafeon-GX, Sylveon ex, Jolteon ex, Umbreon ex, Espeon ex, Vaporeon ex, Flareon ex, Glaceon ex, Dark Vaporeon, Leafeon ex, Light Vaporeon, Dark Espeon, Dark Flareon, Dark Jolteon, Jolteon-GX, Light Flareon, Vaporeon-GX, Flareon-GX, or Light Jolteon
{C} → Smash Kick : 10
{C}{C} → Tail Whap : 20
illus. Sumiyoshi Kizuki
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Because its genetic makeup is irregular, it quickly changes its form due to a variety of causes.
Hey, I can use the UD/CoL Eevees in BLW-on because of this!….or at least I could if Nintendo didn’t decide to make the attacks named differently. Sheesh, if you’re going to be lazy, you may as well do it right and reprint the whole damn card.
The worst case of this is with Sneasel UD. Its the exact same card as Sneasel Neo Genisis, except it has a weakness and a -20 resistance instead of a -30. Out of that technicality, it didn’t count as a reprint.
PokéPop stated you could use Sneasel Neo Genesis in modified HGSS-on as long as you brought a reference.