- ↓ 0.09
- ꩜ 0.30
- ↑ 1.49
{L} → Recharge
Search your deck for a {L} Energy card and attach it to Electrike. Shuffle your deck afterward.
{C}{C} → Quick Attack : 10+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 20 more damage.
illus. Hiroki Fuchino
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Renato Duque
I can’t believe Hiroki Fuchino made Electrike look cool! (or at least not weird)
Blob Takeshi
Holy crap, this is their first card too! Too bad they stopped at Arceus. :(
Funny, since both this and that set have event Legendaries as names.
You know, there’s something cute about an electrike playing around with a hose in the lawn.
Until you realize that its electrical powers could turn the hose into a deadly weapon,and it might not even notice it. Leave the hose on with electrike outside? You’d be better suited to staying inside,away from the electrified jet of water.
This artwork is soooo cute!