- ↓ 0.01
- ꩜ 0.08
- ↑ 1.18
{L} → Thunder Shock : 30
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
illus. Nagomi Nijo
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As it flies, it scatters electricity around, so bird Pokémon keep their distance. That’s why Emolga can keep all its food to itself.
Emolga has lost its {F} Resistance, and now has it as a Weakess. This matches what happens to Zapdos in the PGO set (where I did make a comment similar to this one). The rejig seems to start with the E regulation block and continues onto their cards with the F regulation block. The impression I had is they don’t like cards that are weak to the same type as themselves; i.e. Zapdos and Emolga being printed as {L} types weak to {L} is something abnormal for the current design philosophy of the game. Presumably, they felt that omitting the {L} Weakness while keeping the {F} Resistance doesn’t make a ton of sense – either flavor-wise, or design-wise, or both – and so there you go.
Also: this is a decent-looking card. 30 and flip for paralysis for a single {L} on a Basic with 0 Retreat?
It was probably quite good in pre-release, if you were already running Lighting types. It also seems very strong in a cube (perhaps too good there… I guess it depends on the cube power level).