- ↓ 0.01
- ꩜ 0.06
- ↑ 1.99
{C} → Lucky Find
Search your deck for an Item card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.
{L}{C} → Static Shock : 40
illus. sowsow
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As Emolga flutters through the air, it crackles with electricity. This Pokémon is cute, but it can cause a lot of trouble.
This is the fourth appearance of the Lucky Find attack. Emolga seems to have gotten the short end of the stick here;
· UNM Honedge and VIV Trubbish could Lucky Find 1 Item card.
· LOR Carbink could Lucky Find up to 2 Item cards.
I would’ve figured as another unevolving Pokémon with nothing else really going for it, Emolga would be able to search for 2 Item cards as well. Ah well. At least EVS Emolga is solid.