I know this conversation is 8 years old, but I’m now wondering something similar myself – let’s say I’m running a deck where my main attacker is either {D} or {M} type, and my first few have been knocked out and I have all Darkness and/or Metal Energy sitting in my Discard Pile, and my Rainbow Energy are also in the Discard Pile or are Prized. How do I get those four Darkness Energy back into my hand so I can keep attacking? Or have I already lost the game?
As far as Trainers explicitly calling for Energy retrieval from the Discard Pile go, it does seem to only be Energy Charge (a card occasionally instead known as Power Charge) for a very long time? Conductive Quarry is a marginal change in fortunes at least for Metal Pokémon – which came out after Darkness/Metal got Basic prints anyways, and then some years after that we finally got Special Charge.
To me, it seems like there’s a good reason this card’s artwork makes a point of focusing on {D} and {M} Energy symbols – it’s not just because they were the new hotness when the card came out, but for a long time it seems like it was virtually the only option you had to get {D}/{M} Energy in your discard back in action? i.e., since so many other Trainers and cards that retrieve Energy from the Discard Pile make a point of specifying *only* Basic Energy, once {D}/{M} went in, they were as good as had they been Lost Zoned.
Beyond the appropriate focus on Darkness and Metal energies here, the Colorless energy is pretty notable as well. Not something that shows up alongside the other energies in art like this often!
Is there any other way to return special energies to hand or deck? Most of these type of cards specifically mention basic energies
in 2000 ? Recycle, Trash Exchange, Promo Mewtwo and Aipom iirc.
No specifically back when this was released. Just in general. Mainly looking for trainers as well.
Dark Kira
Lysandre’s Last Resort, the answer to all our prayers.
I know this conversation is 8 years old, but I’m now wondering something similar myself – let’s say I’m running a deck where my main attacker is either {D} or {M} type, and my first few have been knocked out and I have all Darkness and/or Metal Energy sitting in my Discard Pile, and my Rainbow Energy are also in the Discard Pile or are Prized. How do I get those four Darkness Energy back into my hand so I can keep attacking? Or have I already lost the game?
As far as Trainers explicitly calling for Energy retrieval from the Discard Pile go, it does seem to only be Energy Charge (a card occasionally instead known as Power Charge) for a very long time? Conductive Quarry is a marginal change in fortunes at least for Metal Pokémon – which came out after Darkness/Metal got Basic prints anyways, and then some years after that we finally got Special Charge.
To me, it seems like there’s a good reason this card’s artwork makes a point of focusing on {D} and {M} Energy symbols – it’s not just because they were the new hotness when the card came out, but for a long time it seems like it was virtually the only option you had to get {D}/{M} Energy in your discard back in action? i.e., since so many other Trainers and cards that retrieve Energy from the Discard Pile make a point of specifying *only* Basic Energy, once {D}/{M} went in, they were as good as had they been Lost Zoned.
Beyond the appropriate focus on Darkness and Metal energies here, the Colorless energy is pretty notable as well. Not something that shows up alongside the other energies in art like this often!