- ↓ 12.00
- ꩜ 18.69
- ↑ 19.99
{R}{C} → Fire Fang : 30
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.
{R}{R}{C} → Grand Flame : 90
Attach a {R} Energy card from your discard pile to 1 of your Benched Pokémon.
· Pokémon-EX rule: When a Pokémon-EX has been Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.
illus. Shizurow
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Seems good on paper, but who will ever play it, with such a low damage output ?
I pulled two of this guy outta my box (FA was one).
I’m not really sure what to do with the guy. :/
Chuck Rancor
Entei can 2HKO anything in the format, barring eviolite, and prep another entei/attacker on the bench at the same time. The only reason I think it won’t see much play is the difficulty to get four entei together for QuadEntei isn’t worth the hassle.
I tried Quad Entei at a battleroads. It scoops to just about any water Pokemon.
That’s sad. :(
It doesn’t help that I was paired against Empoleon in round 2, then when I see Round 3’s pairings, I see my opponent was Albert, who told me he was running Empoleon before the tournament. I jokingly blamed our TO Jose for troll pairing me.
Oh dang. Sorry to hear about that. Maybe you should tech in a Zekrom or two. Empoleon can do a max of 120 damage normally, which Zekrom could take.
Weakness in itself is one of the hugest win / lose thing in Pokemon, from what I’ve noticed.
Not a bad idea. I’ve been looking for a 7th prize for the deck. Unfornuately, I haven’t been able to find a non-EX basic tech searchable by Heavy Ball.
You’re speaking of Zekrom EX. Well it’s a 7th Prize as well as Heavy Ball searchable. :)
I like the idea of Quad decks, as the concept is a new one to me. haha.
Zekrom EX isn’t a &th prize because it still gives up 2 prizes. They still only have to KO 3 Pokemon to win. A 7th prize would be a non-EX in an all EX deck, where KOing it doesn’t help them get any closer to victory.
Also, I find it better to just run the basic energies for your tech Pokemon. In matchups where that Pokemon isn’t needed, those energy are just used as colorless.
Interesting. As far as energy are concerned, Basic does have advantages over Special: such as avoided Enhanced Hammer and being searchable / grab-able from discard pile.
Oh I see. I read that a “7th Prize” was when, after your opponent takes 5 prizes, you promote an EX to force them to take 2 more Prizes (thus 7 taken total). Given how the 7th Prize works, both regular Zekrom and an EX would be required to make it work.
Have you found a good tech for Quad Terrakion yet?
No, you already have the Enteis, so you wouldn’t need a Zekrom-EX.
Very true.
I’ve never heard of a &th prize.
Lol. You’re such a troll! :P
He’s talking about the 8th Prize–this is when you attach an Expert Belt to an EX or Legend…
No, I think it’s the seventh prize. He probably meant to say 7th, and accidentally pressed Shift, creating the &th.
Of course I wasn’t talking about an 8th prize, I was talking about the 9th. Where you KO an Expert Belted EX with RDL.
What if you KO two expert belted EX’s at the same time with Salamence AR’s one attack that did 50 to the active and 20 to a benched pokemon who leeled up and used Double Fall that turn.
8 prizes one turn.
Or when you KO 6 EX’s with Minun, four of which had Expert Belt.
16 prizes.
Micah Tate
KO 5 benched EX’s (4 with expert belt) using chandy/kingdra prime shenanigans then KO the active EX with RDL. 17 prizes. We need to find a way to take moar 0_0*
That doesn’t work. You’ve already won before you could KO the active. It could be that the benched belted EXs are the old kind of ex and are KO’d in between turns with Desert Ruins.
Micah Tate
Palkia Dialga Legend bro!
Great idea! Wait…that doesn’t increase our Prizes any unless we ask our opponent to attack us with the Legend. :/
I love how incredibly skinny these replies are getting. XD
My name is outside the grey box! woots!
PS dude, Entei EX still sucks.
Why hasn’t the price of them lamoid dropped yet??
Because it’s still a mirror counter in Klinklang.
I like how you can’t see my name in the box now.
And the reply button is vanishing. It’s gone now. Dang.
Oh I see. Entei’s attack cost one [C] less than Reshi EX and is going to do x2 anyways, so it doesn’t need to do 150.
Um wow, this is a serious problem!
The only reason I didn’t reply to the PDL was that I was annoyed with the comment boxes getting so small. Now that they’re at minimum size, I don’t care anymore lol. But lets not do this again.
trollol trollol trollol trollol
5 benched EX’s, so 5 benched pokemon, then the active.
Sometimes this is necessary after the opponent used Palkia & Dialga LEGEND’s “Time Control” attack.
The reason it won’t see play is that it’s an EX that gives up two prizes, so Empoleon is an autoloss.
Another reason is that the goal of QuadTerrakion was to hit for a common weakness, which Entei does not.
Owl City 2223
I think we should just be lucky these aren’t like the Ruby and Sapphire ex’s.
What do you mean?
He means the ones from EX Ruby and Sapphire are terrible.
Oh, as in the set itself. I was thinking the entire era for some reason.
This guy really disappoints me.
2 for 30 and Burn is atrocious for an EX, and Grand Flame is just too weak damagewise, even if you do get to recycle a Fire Energy. Retreat Cost of 3 and no resistance doesn’t do it any favors either
I give it a 6/10. A very disappointing EX we have here.
Well that was a fun experiment.
So I was at League yesterday and it was SO, SO quiet. :/
This time of year is when many families take vacations, so our total League attendance (not counting myself or the two Lead Elders): 4. That’s right FOUR KIDS. It was so sad!
One of the kids has just returned after a long absence, he sadly still has the same cocky attitude. He refuses to listen to any of my advise and even wanted to argue with me about Entei being what he calls, “a very strong card”. What?! He refused to trade me his breaker Cobalion after he “read what it did”. I said, “Ok then, I challenge you to build a deck and include both your Cobalion and Entei. Make it Fire/Steel.”. He said that wouldn’t work b/c he needed to add Groudon EX as well.
Some kids just aren’t mature enough to be serious deckbuilders.
One of my favorite kids, Riley, is a decently good player. I tossed him my thrown-together Luxray, double Zekrom, Raichu build and he was able to pilot it to 3 victories last night, even beat my Empoleon deck (by shear amounts of good luck! and of course, weakness. One heads on Raichu does 160!)!
So now I’m trying to teach him more about deckbuilding, from what I’ve read and my year of experience on the matter. It’s impossible for me to judge my skills as there are only a few adults to compare myself too, and only one of them I see on a regular basis.
Riley is leaving on a 5-week vacation ( :/ ) so he wants me to fix up his Modified Eevee deck today so he can battle players down south. I told him I’d try but Eevee build are very difficult. Honestly not sure what to do other than balance out his trainer and energy lines. haha
I just noticed that Grand Flame doesn’t require the fire to be basic. If only there were a multi-type energy that counted as such when not in play.
Memories of when I tried this with Archeops.
Too bad Keldeo exists now.
william clark
I For One Would Not Play With It Good Card Or Bad Anybody Getting One Or That Already Has One Should Consider Yourselves LUCKY I Know That When Or If I Get One I Would Consider Myself LUCKY It Is Ultra Rare Hold On To The Card Keep It As Good Condition As You Guys ( Or Girls ) Can Get It And I Mean Once You Get It Or If You Already Have It FIND A BINDER If You Dont Have One Buy One And While Your At It Buy Some Pages For The Card Because LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG In The Future That Card Will Be Worth ALOT Of Money Because 1 It Is Ultra Rare Hold On To It 2 Many People Arent That Lucky To Even Get 1 3 If It Is In Great Condition Then You Get More Money Value AND 4 Your Card Will Be Saught By MANY Collectors That Want To Collect Every Card In Existence And They Will Likely Pay Alot To Get Just That Card Which Means You Can Buy More Card Packs And Hope To The Pokemon Gods And Princess Celestia ( Yes I Like My Little Pony And I Am A Guy I Am A Brony ) You Hope To The Pokemon Gods And Princess Celestia And Get Lucky