- ↓ 0.65
- ꩜ 1.12
- ↑ 1.78
{C} → Tackle : 10
{W} → Ascension
Search your deck for a card that evolves from Feebas and put it on Feebas. (This counts as evolving Feebas.) Shuffle your deck afterward.
illus. Tomokazu Komiya
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The second attack was errata’d to require a coin flip. LAME
Errata due to mistranslation, or maybe they didn’t even try to translate it and did a botched copy-pasta from Vulpix? The Vulpix in the same set also has the Ascension attack – these two actually debut the attack in TCG, which has been semi-recurring ever since – but didn’t require the coin flip in the source JP text.
It’s nice that Feebas is finally being done justice in Silver Tempest with a non-flip Ascension. This one remains the best artwork, however.