- ↓ 0.18
- ꩜ 1.07
- ↑ 11.32
{P} → Sleeping Gas
Flip a coin. If heads, the Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
{P}{C} → Destiny Bond
Discard 1 {P} Energy card attached to Gastly in order to use this attack. If a Pokémon Knocks Out Gastly during your opponent’s next turn, Knock Out that Pokémon.
illus. Keiji Kinebuchi · LV.8
Formats: Other: 1999–2001
External: Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Almost invisible, this gaseous Pokémon cloaks the target and puts it to sleep without notice.
Julian Silva
This card just wins…
A friend of mine once bulk ordered a bunch of cards, and they came with one of these with the edges cut off. The previous owner must have tried to make his cards fit in Yu Gi Oh sleeves.
Adam Capriola
Maybe the previous owner was trying to make it even MORE broken than it already is.
Blob Takeshi
TBF, they’re cut off here too, as they have square corners instead of round ones.
The bottom line on this card is just awesome. Probably one of the best ever. Everything above it is just terrible.
I love how this guy had Destiny Bond before Gen II, and even with the same effect.
Blob Takeshi
Possibly a cut move from Gen 1 Betas.
An update to these comments since quite a bit of information about beta versions of the video games came out since they were made: Destiny Bond is probably is not a cut move from Gen 1. Nothing from the beta evidence we saw from the “gigaleaks” suggested Destiny Bond.
Much simpler answer: the Gen 2 games were already in development at the time Base Set launched at the tail end of 96. The Spaceworld 97 demo featured Destiny Bond as a move. https://tcrf.net/Proto:Pok%C3%A9mon_Gold_and_Silver/Spaceworld_1997_Demo/Movesets
It’s also very common for attacks to appear in the TCG first.
In this case, they’re close enough together that the TCG may have gotten it from the Gen 2 games, but many other cases predate the games by multiple years.
Think of it like this: Impostor Professor Oak was originally in the SW97 demo version of Pokémon Gold, and had he not been scrapped and made it to final, it would seem more apparent that his appearance in the first TCG set was meant to be a bit of ‘foreshadowing’ of the sequel games, and not that he was an original character made for the TCG that GAME FREAK then took? from people working on the TCG to add to the games.
I’d suggest Bulbapedia should rephrase most of those to say “first appeared as a TCG attack” rather than “originated as.”
James Destiny Bond.
Dr. λ the Creator of Variables, Binder of Variables, Applicator of Terms, Checker of Types, and β-Reducer of β-Redexes
Gastly needs 2 of 2 coin flips to land in his favour in order to survive a turn and evolves into a Pokemon who needs 2 of 2 coin flips to land in his favour in order to be able to attack. They should have flipped 2 coins and then fire the one who came up with these cards unless both coins landed in his favour. See how he likes it.
Tokiwa City Smuggle
ADPZ decks fear this card! They should reprint this card but with one energy for Destiny Bond, that’ll bring balance to Standard again!!
theres a furry face in the drawing