- ↓ 0.24
- ꩜ 0.40
- ↑ 0.99
{P} → Sneaky Placement
Put 1 damage counter on 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon.
illus. Takashi Yamaguchi
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Its body is made of gas. Despite lacking substance, it can envelop an opponent of any size and cause suffocation.
Warnock 2022
It’s been ten whole years since any cards were given a colorless resistance!!!
Warnock 2022
And there has *never* been a solid pattern of Pokemon having fire resistances. Has literally only ever been the Bagon + Bronzor lines.
Bronzor line is an interesting case, since the Fire resistance is a reference to its ability Heatproof, but even with Heatproof they take neutral damage from Fire in the main series due to Steel’s weakness to it.