- ↓ 32.86
- ꩜ 42.82
- ↑ 148.97
{G} → Intimidate
If the Defending Pokémon’s maximum HP is 50 or less, it can’t attack Giovanni’s Nidoking during your opponent’s next turn. (Benching or evolving either Pokémon ends this effect.)
{G}{G}{G}{C} → Tumbling Attack : 40+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 40 damage plus 30 more damage; if tails, this attack does 40 damage.
illus. Ken Sugimori · LV.58
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Paired with the Giovanni’s Trainer Card, it’s very possible to get this guy out turn one. At which point you could be stalling your opponent’s evolution deck for a very long time and beef up your bench. However against something faster you would want to take your time building Nidoran up to this card, ultimately dishing out more damage and taking advantage of Viridian City Gym’s “free Potion” per evolution. It’s cool when a card can give you those kinds of options.
Blob Takeshi
Along with Ivysaur and Beedrill, this is one of the last 3 cards to be added to a set since Base Set.
It would’ve been four had Wizards added “______’s Chansey”. What was so bad adding that card? Here’s another trivia: Kabuto/Kabutops, Omanyte/Omastar, Aerodactyl, and Lapras were only printed once during the first generation (Mew as well, but Wizards removed it from the Fossil expansion)
And Articuno, forgot
Blob Takeshi
The Vending Machine Cards say otherwise.
this lad is too big to fit in the frame i love him
Jiří z Poděbrad
Funny that there have been loads of “Intimidating ____” Abilities, but this is still the only “Intimidate.”