- ↓ 0.23
- ꩜ 0.41
- ↑ 3.99
{Y} → All Out : 30+
If you have no cards in your hand, this attack does 130 more damage.
{Y}{Y}{Y} → Giant Fangs : 110
illus. Shin Nagasawa
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More timid than Snubbull, this Pokémon is doted on by young people amused at the contrast between its looks and its attitude.
If only the Gamblers of Pokemon RBY had known Granbull existed, they could minimize their losses greatly. Thinking of running this alongside Gambler in an unlimited deck.
Louis Strasbourg
Did people play this card??
You can make this pretty consistent for a single przer by using Oranguru · Sun & Moon (SUM) #113 and Magcargo · Celestial Storm (CES) #24. You stack something like Ultra Ball or Comp Search on top of your deck, instruct, and then discard your whole hand like that every turn. Make most cards in your deck burnable, and you can hit for a consistent 160 every turn in most cases.
I personally love playing this deck in the Sun and Moon through Lost Thunder format! My favorite list was created by JamesG, who chose to run useful techs like Plumeria and Counter Catcher instead of thinners like PokéNav or unreliable cards like Pokémon Catcher. The deck also runs Oranguru to help in some Control matchups, and Weavile and Buzzwole to take the strain off your Granbull and help you hit key numbers more efficiently in certain situations. Piloting this deck feels like piloting a heavily teched-out LudiCargo list in 2006, and I love the puzzle-solving nature of the card selection!
3 Granbull (LOT 138)
3 Snubbull (LOT 137)
2 Oranguru (SUM 113)
1 Oranguru (UPR 114)
1 Sneasel (UPR 73)
2 Magcargo (CLS 24)
1 Weavile (UPR 74)
1 Buzzwole (FLI 77)
2 Slugma (CLS 23)
1 Ditto Prism Star (LOT 154)
1 Blitzle (LOT 81)
1 Zebstrika (LOT 82)
1 Girafarig (LOT 94)
2 Fairy Energy (SUM 172)
4 Unit Energy FDY (FLI 118)
2 Diantha (FLI 105)
2 Choice Band (GRI 121)
1 Counter Catcher (CIN 91)
1 Enhanced Hammer (GRI 124)
1 Plumeria (BUS 120)
1 Gladion (CIN 95)
4 Great Ball (SUM 119)
1 Guzma (BUS 115)
4 Ultra Ball (SUM 135)
1 Max Potion (GRI 128)
4 Apricorn Maker (CLS 124)
1 Judge (FLI 108)
1 Pal Pad (UPR 132)
2 Shrine of Punishment (CLS 143)
1 Bodybuilding Dumbbells (BUS 113)
1 Tate & Liza (CLS 148)
4 Nest Ball (SUM 123)
2 Rescue Stretcher (GRI 130)
I’ve replaced the Girafarig with a Guzma for the Oranguru Control matchup as I feel like you need more switching cards in it. However, I have not tested that change enough.
This card was the first appearance of the attack きょだいなキバ since N4 Dark Donphan. There, the attack was translated as “Giant Tusk”, but the throwback continuity nod – to a WOTC-translated card, no less – might’ve gotten missed, or else they just didn’t want to suggest Granbull has ‘tusks’.
きょだいなキバ is again translated as Giant Fangs on ASR Regidrago, but we are now – and I hate writing about cards in advance of their release because who knows what happens – headed towards an interesting situation, as S11 Donphan*, which should show up in Silver Tempest, has the きょだいなキバ attack. Will they call it Giant Fangs for consistency? Or will they actually try to remember to translate it differently depending on whether the Pokémon it shows up on has giant fangs or giant tusks?
Find out soon, I guess.
* https://www.pokemon-card.com/card-search/details.php/card/41863/regu/XY || https://archive.ph/g39eq
It ended up being Giant Fangs.