- ↓ 0.20
- ꩜ 0.30
- ↑ 9.04
{R} → Singe
The Defending Pokémon is now Burned.
{R}{C} → Incinerate : 30
Before doing damage, discard a Pokémon Tool card attached to the Defending Pokémon.
illus. Kouki Saitou
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Using their very hot, flame-covered tongues, they burn through Durant’s steel bodies and consume their insides.
Now THIS is a Durant counter.
No, Heatmor Dark Rush is the best Durant counter.
That wasn’t me. I let somebody borrow my computer earlier. But they weren’t totally wrong. I mean, it CAN KO it with a Plus, assuming no special metals.
EDIT: Is there a way to remove your own comments to avoid those situations in the future?
Caleb Sodding Mullins
Mike Vukovich
They should have seriously given this guy an attack that puts Durant in the Lost Zone. That way he’d be something of a tech instead of pathetic garbage compared to his prey, just like in the video games.
It makes me think of this card :
Durant is just stronger than Heatmor, having Revive + Catcher + Crushing Hammer on its side…
Is that a legit Yogioh card?
It’s a really bad card but it’s a real one
This card was released in the same set as Durant. In game flavor dictates that it should hard counter durant. It’s an anteater ,and therefore has a long tongue, which could obviously give it a flavorful “Snag stuff back from the discard pile into your deck” mechanic. Of course, they opted to give it a fairly bizarre anti-tool tech attack instead. Awkward
Say hello to Heatmor DEX… once Adam puts the scans up.