- ↓ 0.09
- ꩜ 0.44
- ↑ 1.32
{C}{C} → Cling : 50
Heal from this Pokémon the same amount of damage you did to your opponent’s Active Pokémon.
{F}{C}{C} → X-Scissor : 80+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 60 more damage.
illus. Kyoko Umemoto
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A slim and fast swimmer. It slices its prey with its sharp sickles and drinks the body fluids.
With Kabutops being absent from the TCG for 7 years, I was hoping that they’d give it something that amounted to more than just “generic sub-par Stage 2 attacker.”
Worse than you think: it is a generic, subpar Stage 1 attacker that Evolves from a Restored Pokémon. Though at least thanks to Typing it could use Maxie’s Hidden Ball Trick to dodge all that.