- ↓ 9.87
- ꩜ 12.37
- ↑ 29.99
{C} → Nightmare : 10
The Defending Pokémon is now Asleep.
{P}{C}{C} → Mind Shock : 40
Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance.
illus. Toshinao Aoki
External: Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Damn you Uri Geller. You’ve confined one of the coolest Pokemon into TCG obscurity because it happened to hold a spoon in its hand. I know no one from Nintendo will be reading this, but start printing Kadabra cards again. No one cares what Geller thinks.
Seriously, the dude’s a nut. There’s no reason not to start printing them again. Any overlap of fans between him and Pokemon are likely already aware of the story, and will gladly just not tell him. I know he won’t pay attention to every set ever released for a Kadabra.
Blob Takeshi
Apparently Kadabra may be unbanned now, just the people who make the cards don’t care. :/
Good news Orlando Furiosos, Uri Gellar took his bullshit back!
Being condemned to Skyridge through no fault of your own surely is a nightmare.
Blob Takeshi
And Kadabra hid behind those rocks… forever.
He ended up replacing Knuckles as the guardian of the Master Emerald.
Anyway, I can’t wait until Uri Geller dies!
Blob Takeshi
Oh Nevermind, he’s been found.
South Parkémon
Waiting for someone to die is kinda harsh for a Pokemon card
After 20 years our boy is coming back
Right after Toshinao Aoki came back, too. How novel it would be to have him to do the artwork for the new card.