- ↓ 0.05
- ꩜ 0.14
- ↑ 1.14
{C} → Foul Odor
Both Active Pokémon are now Confused.
illus. Mizue
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Its thin, balloon-like body is inflated by horribly toxic gases. It reeks when it is nearby.
Foul Odor debuted on Jungle Gloom and as an attack that did some damage and caused both Active Pokémon to use modern terminology to be confused. A similar attack, Confusion Wave, debuted on Sandstorm Psyduck. It also rendered both Pokémon confused, but distinguished itself by never causing damage. This card, for lack of causing damage, is acting more like Confusion Wave than Foul Odor, and CEC Psyduck, since its Confusion Wave *does* cause damage, is acting more like Foul Odor. They’ve traded roles!
By the way, these attacks can be searched for together by using the shared language ||text:”both are now confused”||. You’ll get some tangential additional results, but all instances of Foul Odor and Confusion Wave, as well as the very similar Banging Heads attack. It also gives you a neat sample of changes in language for the same effect across the eras;
· Base, Gym, e-Card; “Both the Defending Pokémon and [Pokémon Name] are now Confused.”
· EX*, DP**, Pt**; “Both [Pokémon Name] and the Defending Pokémon are now Confused.”
· HGSS, BW, Plasma, XY, XY BREAK: “Both this Pokémon and the Defending Pokémon are now Confused.”
· SM, SWSH: “Both Active Pokémon are now Confused.”
* With one exception. HL Spinda reverses the order to match how previous blocks phrased it.
** Use the even broader ||text:”both are now”|| to get a couple examples of some more attacks with near-identical effects (identical save for inflicting a different condition) to see how it would’ve been phrased.