- ↓ 3.58
- ꩜ 7.54
- ↑ 16.29
{P} → Fish Out
Your opponent may choose up to 3 Baby Pokémon, Basic Pokémon, and/or Evolution cards from his or her discard pile and shuffle them into his or her deck. Either way, you may do the same.
{W}{C} → Splash About : 20+
If there are more Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon than to Light Slowbro, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage. If not, this attack does 20 damage.
illus. Tomokazu Komiya · LV.33
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If the Shellder attached to its tail becomes separated, this Pokémon reverts to a normal Slowpoke.
Henry VIII
Interesting that there was only one Slowpoke card printed in the Neo era–in Neo Genesis–despite both its evolutions being in Neo Destiny.
Strč prst skrz krk
This is also the one and only Slowbro card of the four Neo sets. Slowking got two cards
but the other Slow dudes only got one.
It kinda makes sense though, slowpoke had 2 english cards and 1 jp exclusive promo by that point, and Japan never meant to have a rotation during that era.
Tomokazu Komiya’s art is so colorful and vibrant, and yet it’s still so sad and melancholic. There’s something about how the colors are used and the way he draws this deformed shapes… it’s almost like it’s the drawing of an adult that lets a child take over whenever it’s time to draw. I love this card so much! And everything Tomokazu Komiya does, as well.