- ↓ 0.09
- ꩜ 0.31
- ↑ 33.21
{C}{C} → Torment : 20
Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent can’t play any Supporter cards from his or her hand during his or her next turn.
{W}{W} → Absorb : 40
Remove 2 damage counters from Lombre.
illus. Kouki Saitou · LV.26
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It has a mischievous spirit. If it spots an angler, it will tug on the fishing line to interfere.
This version of “Torment” is completely different from every subsequent appearance of “Torment” in the TCG.
The attack’s original name in JP いやがらせ [𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐬𝐞] actually won’t show up again for a long time – see XY Krookodile, where it’ll be translated as “Bother”. So what of the “Torment” that starts appearing in BW and on? That attack’s JP name is いちゃもん [𝐢𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐨𝐧], which matches the name of the attack we know as “Torment” in the video games. (For reference, Torment debuted as an attack in Gen 3, and this is a Gen 4 card. I’m assuming they just wanted to show off the fact Lombre could learn the move in the video games? Except, uh.. it couldn’t? And surely by now they knew they need to be thinking ahead in terms of consistency with translations…)