- ↓ 13.98
- ꩜ 19.65
- ↑ 50.00
Pokémon Power ⇢ Electromagnetic Power
As often as you like during your turn (before your attack), you may take 1 Energy card attached to 1 of your Magnemites, Magnetons, or Dark Magnetons and attach it to a different 1 of your Magnemites, Magnetons, and Dark Magnetons. This power can’t be used if Magneton is Asleep, Confused, or Paralyzed.
{L}{L}{C} → Plasma : 30
If there are any {L} Energy cards in your discard pile, attach 1 of them to Magneton.
illus. “Big Mama” Tagawa + CR CG gangs · LV.37
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Three Magnemites are linked by a strong magnetic force. Earaches will occur if you get too close.
He refuses to give Lt. Surge’s Magneton any energy, knowing that THAT fellow has a habit of taking energy cards without giving anything back in return.
30 damage was still decent at the time, right? Was this ever played? Seems decent.
The staples of TR – Neo were Rocket’s Zapdos, Feraligatr, Donphan, Dark Gengar…
30 for 3 without a real effect was bad.
I guess the only advantage a deck like this would have would be a quick set up. After it sets up, there’s nothing else it can really do.
I know this comment is two years old, but I feel compelled to point out that a 30 damage attack for two of a specific type and a colorless on a Pokemon that could easily move around special energy like Metal Energy which it can then use on itself for defensive purposes (up to -40 damage) an then when it’s danger retreat and move those energies to the next Magneton thus saving them from the discard pile, while at the same time being able to build up extra lightning energy and to give that energy to your bench, without missing a step? I would call that a pretty damn “real” effect, and far from bad.
It was OHKO’d by Heat Tackle, and doing 30 for 3 while the other decks were doing 70+ on turn 3 is really bad.
I’m not saying he’s monster or anything, and sure it’d be tough against some of the more…let’s be nice and say popular decks. But to me? The energy movement is really fascinating. Turn three might be lacking, but the game doesn’t end on turn three (well typically) what about turn four or turn five, when you’re already two energy attachments ahead? 80 is solid for a stage 1, and the Metal typing with some Gold Berries can help you stretch that out even farther. For example, just one Metal energy and that Heat Tackle’s not a one shot anymore, they’ll have to Fire Storm and fall even farther behind, or give you another turn to move things around.
Hmm… actually, I would love to try this guy out with some base Set Magnetons and invisible walls. It would take some setting up, but you could feasibly stall long enough with this Megneton then move all the energies preferably four Metals and retreat. Bring in the Base Set counterpart, lose the fire weaknesses (if it’s a problem) and start dishing 40 damage to your opponent’s active and 20 to their entire bench, with each attack, that’s 140 total against a full bench. And I doubt their hiding babies will like that very much, all while reducing your oponent’s attacks by 40. Maybe even set them up to be pecked off with some Dark Golbats? If nothing else it’d be a very interesting deck.
Blob Takeshi
This is the first Steel Type Magnezone.