- ↓ 1.17
- ꩜ 2.81
- ↑ 4.00
{P} → Psychic : 10+
Does 20 more damage for each Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.
{P}{C}{C} → Echoed Voice : 50
During your next turn, this Pokémon’s Echoed Voice attack does 50 more damage (before applying Weakness and Resistance).
illus. kawayoo
Formats: Modified: 2014 · Standard: 2015 · Expanded: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Current
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
The melodies sung by Meloetta have the power to make Pokémon that hear them happy or sad.
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