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Ability ⇢ Memories of Dawn
This Pokémon can use the attacks of any of your Basic Pokémon in play. (You still need the necessary Energy to use each attack.)
{C} → Encounter
Search your deck for a Pokémon, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Shuffle your deck afterward.
illus. Mitsuhiro Arita
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Its DNA is said to contain the genetic codes of all Pokémon, so it can use all kinds of techniques.
I’m still not too clear on how to apply abilities in all circumstances, but since Memories of Dawn is an ability, you can use it, say off the bench, then attack with your active Pokemon too? So you can basically attack twice in a turn? or even more than twice if you have several of these in play?!
Obviously no. Its ability make Mew capable of use any attack of your Pokémon in play. It has to attack, so it has to be your active Pokémon.
I see what you are saying, but then compare M Gengar EX, for example, where it is stated on the card that you are using another Pokemon’s “attack” as your “attack” (in that case, an opponent’s Pokemon, not yours). Not only does the wording of that card make it clear, it’s in the attack section of that card (with accompanying energy requirement) and clearly not an ability.
I’m just saying, if I understand how a “normal” ability is usually played, it kinda raises an issue. But then again, I’m relatively new to this stuff.
Shiny Shinx
You’re thinking about it as if it were a Poke-Power (an Ability that can be manually triggered), as opposed to a Poke-Body (an Ability that is always on). Instead of having to trigger it, thus possibly giving you an extra attack, as you’ve interpreted it, instead, it functions as if Mew has the attacks of all basics in play printed on its card, and can choose from them.
I had seen older cards with Poke-Power and Body and wasn’t sure what those were – this is helpful, thanks!
Benjamin Hackney
Broken. Is this even legal?
Mostly a collector
So am I able to use encounter and then retreat, or does that cause my turn to end as if I had attacked my opponent?
Adam Capriola
Your turn will end after using Encounter (as if you had attacked your opponent).
Mostly a collector
Thanks for the clarification
Matthew Breach
Encounter is an attack, and as your turn once you do attack then yes your turn will end once you use it. You will have to wait until your next turn before you can play that Pokemon, if you can.
Mostly a collector
Thank you for the confirmation
Jiří z Poděbrad
Over on the comments for Cleffa & Igglybuff & Togepi-GX, Twylis described a great strategy for using this Mew card to access the amazing GX move.
Personally, I want to try this strategy to pull of Mega Sableye & Tyranitar-GX‘s milling GX attack…