- ↓ 17.23
- ꩜ 35.58
- ↑ 48.03
Poké-POWER ⇢ Healing Shower
Once during your turn, when you play Milotic from your hand to evolve 1 of your Pokémon, you may remove all damage counters from all of your Pokémon and your opponent’s Pokémon (excluding Pokémon-ex).
{W}{C} → Wave Splash : 30
{W}{W}{C}{C} → Distorted Wave : 80
Before doing damage, remove 3 damage counters from the Defending Pokémon (all if there are less than 3).
illus. Atsuko Nishida
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Pokémon 31337
Well..it’s better than Luvdisc!
Luvdisc can donk, so not really.
Healing opponents? That’s almost like the ones with 90- and 80- damage from Supreme Victors.
this is basically 4 energy for 50 damage. FAIL.
But it’s power is epic.
80 if the Defending Pokémon doesn’t have damage counters on it.
I’d take Blissey over this any day.
Is there ever a legitimate use for healing your opponent? Because I can’t think of one.
You can only heal your Pokémon if you heal your opponent’s, too. Also, there some usefun instances, like healing stuff with Flail.
These are joke reviews, right? This was a VITAL card in the deck that won worlds, Queendom. In fact, it’s also known as the deck that our very own Adam C. invented along with some fellow players. It was used against “rock lock” because most people used EX pokemon in that era. It would heal most of you, but not them. And this way, ATM rock couldn’t lock you, since it depending upon you having damage counters on you.
Explanation of this card:
“1 Milotic HL – Very helpful. The first person to use the 1/1 Milotic tech in a Nidoqueen deck was Pooka. We used Milotic in this deck because Queen doesn’t have a chance vs Rocklock otherwise. Milotic shuts them down. More info in matchups section. If your opponent doesn’t know you’re playing Milotic, or if you’re afraid it will be pulled Active and KOed, then don’t play Feebas. Just hold it in your hand and then play Feebas Rare Candy Milotic all in 1 turn. By constantly retreating your Pidgeot and Nidoqueen, and then playing Milotic, you could easily be healing hundreds of damage total. Just make sure you don’t retreat your Queens too much, or else you’ll run of energy. ”
Source: the pokegym thread on the deck
Adam Capriola
This card was legit in the right deck. Sniping and Pokemon Reversal/Catcher were non-existent back then, so you could actually put your Feebas down for a turn and get the Milotic off. Or you could Rare Candy as a surprise.
Most people didn’t even know what this card did so it was a real game-changer. Typically you’d want to time it after you KO’d one of their Pokemon and they hit you for damage (OHKOs were rare), so their field would be damage-free anyway. That was often enough to win a game right there. You could also re-use it with Mr. Briney’s Compassion and really get ahead.
It completely countered Rock Lock which used Technical Machine Rock to devolve your Pokemon and hit them for damage via Poke-Bodies. You’d just evolve again and the damage would be gone.
It only had its place in a few decks, so it wasn’t like it was overpowered or anything, but it was a game-changer for sure.
Yeah, I was looking at the World Champs deck and wondering “How on Earth would that work?” But after seeing the cards in Rock Lock I realized what it was.
Such subtle power is lost on a lot of people now… including the current designers. A tricky card that the pros showed everyone how to use.
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Fun (or scary) to think of using Distorted Wave against a Pokémon-V that has Calamity Box attached haha
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Mistranslation — it may be called “Box of Disaster.” It’s releasing next month in Lost Origin.
I wouldn’t call that a ‘mistranslation’ – you could interpret the original Japanese either way since ‘calamity’ & ‘disaster’ are synonyms in English.