- ↓ 0.10
- ꩜ 0.29
- ↑ 1.41
{C} → Mumble : 10
{P} → Dual Draw
Each player draws 3 cards.
illus. Suwama Chiaki
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It loves to bite and yank people’s hair from behind without warning, just to see their shocked reactions.
Joseph Lewis
Sometimes used as a tech in Durant. (I wouldn’t recommend it) Really good in the seldom played Vilemagius. …That’s about it. Cool, but limited uses. :(
“Yukkuri shiteitte ne”
I’m sorry, what were you mumbling?
“Yukkuri shiteitte ne”
Ok, I got it. I’ll take it easy and draw three cards or whatever.
“Yukkuri shiteitte ne”
What are you, impaired or something? You’re a repeatable Erika on a pokemon, but taking that turn to use the ability is unappealing.
“Yukkuri shiteitte ne”
“Yukkuri shiteitte ne”
I see people forget all the time that Dual Draw is a win condition, especially here at the end: http://thetopcut.net/2012/07/03/us-nationals-top-16-tom-dolezal-vs-dylan-bryan/