- ↓ 4.75
- ꩜ 7.23
- ↑ 9.75
{G}{C}{C} → Thrash : 30+
Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 30 damage plus 10 more damage; if tails, this attack does 30 damage and Nidoking does 10 damage to itself.
{G}{G}{G} → Toxic : 20
The Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. It now takes 20 Poison damage instead of 10 after each player’s turn (even if it was already Poisoned).
illus. Ken Sugimori · LV.48
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Uses its powerful tail in battle to smash, constrict, then break its prey’s bones.
Strč prst skrz krk
Toxic can OHKO Jungle Mr. Mime.