- ↓ 0.20
- ꩜ 0.38
- ↑ 8.99
{C} → Nutritional Support
Search your deck for up to 2 Basic {G} Energy cards and attach them to your Pokémon in any way you like. Then, shuffle your deck.
{G}{G}{C} → Hibernation Spore : 40
Your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Asleep. During Pokémon Checkup, your opponent flips 2 coins instead of 1. If either of them is tails, that Pokémon is still Asleep.
(This card cannot be used at official tournaments.)
illus. Kagemaru Himeno · LV.33
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
A mushroom grown larger than the host’s body controls PARASECT. It scatters poisonous spores.
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