- ↓ 0.10
- ꩜ 0.24
- ↑ 1.36
Look at the top 5 cards of your deck and put them back on top of your deck in any order.
· Item rule: You may play as many Item cards as you like during your turn (before your attack).
illus. Noriko Hotta
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Invest now, Ether will rise its price.
If Pokedex is playable in BW-on, I’m using my Base Set copies. Also, why would this be considered playable?
Ether allows you an additional energy drop if the top card in your deck is an energy.Depending on your energy count in the deck, this could result in you basically getting a free energy drop. With a proper level of card draw and other such support, you could use this to power your, say, Mewtwo EX a turn faster. You’re getting an extra energy drop and some degree of consistency for the cost of two cards, all without a supporter card being expended. I’d say it’s worth it.
With a rarity of uncommon, I’d hardly say that this is the case of something you could “invest” in, though
In my experience with Electrode, Research Record, LEGEND box, Lugia LEGEND, Pokegear 3.0, and the original Pokedex back in the day, top X cards aren’t always reliable for something specific.
And uncommons can easily be something worthy of “investment.” Just look at Pokemon Collector and Pokemon Catcher.
If it’s energy and you play 12, you should generally get what you need of Etherdex.
I take back everything I said earlier. I finally read what Ether did.
Mr. Fuji
Korrina. Take Lunatone with ability and Pokédex and get good draw next turn.
This was the first time a Pokédex card is printed off without a model number on the card in the Japanese TCG. Base Set’s Pokédex was ポケモン図鑑HANDY505, not just ポケモン図鑑 – so when, years later, a card called ポケモン図鑑 came out with the same effect as ポケモン図鑑HANDY505, the EN TCG has what appeared to be an exact reprint on its hands. But it wasn’t meant to be one at all – it’s just a confused localization problem, and to quietly handwave it, I assume people were allowed to use Base Set Pokédex in EN tournaments despite not being the same card?
That this is a confusing mess that mixes up localization and weird card design choices seems utterly appropriate, with Generation 5 being the era where the whole “the trainers have different names, despite having the same effect” (e.g. Crushing Hammer vs Energy Removal 2) or “despite having the same name, the trainers have different effects” (e.g. Pokémon Center) really came to a head – although, to be clear, they started to really flirt with this as a problem during generation 4, with Mom’s Kindness effectively identical to Bill, and probably a few others.
Speaking of Bill, there is a very similar conversation to the issues I’m bringing up here on the HGSS reprint (yes, reprint) of Bill. See also the ACE SPEC Computer Search (wasn’t a problem in Japan! old back =/= new back cards, end of story) and ACE SPEC Dowsing Machine (wasn’t really a problem in either country, but the card was Base Set Itemfinder turned into an ACE SPEC – I explained on that card why it got lost in translation).