- ↓ 0.15
- ꩜ 0.82
- ↑ 11.50
{C} → Bite : 20
illus. Mitsuhiro Arita · LV.9
Formats: Other: 1999–2001
External: Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Bites anything when it attacks. Small and very quick, it is a common sight in many places.
Resists psychic by 30? Obviously this is joey’s rattata.
Brian Duddy
You know that every Base Set Normal-type resisted psychic for 30, right?
Dr. λ the Creator of Variables, Binder of Variables, Applicator of Terms, Checker of Types, and β-Reducer of β-Redexes
Flying Normal-types from the Base Set do not resist Psychic.
Dr. λ, Flying/Normal (or Normal/Flying) Types aren’t the same thing as Normal Types, though. If Brian had said “Every COLORLESS Type…” then he’d need the correction. I assume he only meant plain Normal-Types, and not any hybrids.
Blob Takeshi
It’s a reference to Alolan Rattata.
This card is so awesome. Sure, it only has 30 HP… but no retreat cost, a Psychic resistance, and does 20 for C.
Brian Duddy
Still my favorite card ever.
Dark Kira
Ditto counter!
I prefer Promo Eevee for the bling-bling !
Blob Takeshi
Before whatever the frick Alolan forms here.
Tokiwa City Smuggle
This card probably punished players for replacing their Hitmonchans for promo Mewtwos in their Haymaker decks.
Not really… 30 HP plus Resistance still only required 60 damage to KO, so it was no harder for Mewtwo (WotC Black Star Promos 3, 14) to OHKO it than any other Pokémon with 60 HP. Haymaker decks typically ran PlusPower to expand their OHKO range, and two Types of attacker to exploit more Weakness and dodge Resistance. Electabuzz (Base Set 20/102; Base Set 2 24/130; Platinum 128/127; Best of Game 1) or Scyther (Jungle 10/64, 26/64; Base Set 2 17/130; Platinum 130/127) would just step up and handle it.
It is kind of funny how often they’ve reprinted those cards. Given Electabuzz (XY – Evolutions 41/108), I’m pretty sure it only stopped due to technicality; they no longer like using “outdated” Weaknesses or Resistances for cards, hence why this Electabuzz is technically not a reprint. XD