- ↓ 28.12
- ꩜ 41.35
- ↑ 108.03
Poké-BODY ⇢ Dragon Spirit
If Rayquaza C is your Active Pokémon and is damaged but not Knocked Out by an opponent’s attack, you may search your discard pile for an Energy card and attach it to Rayquaza C.
{W}{P}{F}{C} → Final Blowup : 200
Discard all Energy attached to Rayquaza C. Ignore this effect if you have no cards in your hand.
· Level-Up rule: Put this card onto your Active Rayquaza C. Rayquaza C LV.X can use any attack, Poké-Power, or Poké-Body from its previous level.
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
Water: Kyogre
Psychic: Deoxys
Fighting: Groudon
Colorless: Rayquaza
I guess that explains the typing
The other Pokémon 𝘾 are mostly Colorless, but there are also Water (Milotic 𝘾), Psychic (Roserade 𝘾, Spiritomb 𝘾), and Fighting (Lucario 𝘾) cards. The attack cost is what it is to synergize with anyone trying to build a Cynthia-themed deck.
Warnock 2022
Would combo well with the Peony supporter card…
Crazy overkill! I can only think of torterra lvx, with an expert belt & shaymin lvx on bench for 220hp to survive this attack when it was modified legal…
Honestly though even if the attack didn’t discard the energy, this guy would have still been too clunky with that energy cost! Didn’t stop a younger me from thinking 200 dmg was dope though…