- ↓ 0.24
- ꩜ 0.46
- ↑ 5.66
Poké-POWER ⇢ Energy Signal
When you attach a {G} Energy card or {P} Energy card from your hand to Roserade during your turn, you may use this power. If you attach a {G} Energy card, the Defending Pokémon is now Confused. If you attach a {P} Energy card, the Defending Pokémon is now Poisoned. This power can’t be used if Roserade is affected by a Special Condition.
{G}{C} → Power Blow : 20×
Does 20 damage times the amount of Energy attached to Roserade.
illus. Takashi Yamaguchi
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Its sweet aroma attracts prey. Then it spews poison. The more toxic it is, the sweeter its aroma.
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