- ↓ 16.00
- ꩜ 18.06
- ↑ 18.96
{C} → Supernatural
Look at your opponent’s hand. You may use the effect of a Supporter card you find there as the effect of this attack. (The Supporter card remains in your opponent’s hand.)
{D}{C} → Dark Bind : 20
You may discard a {D} Energy card attached to Sableye. If you do, the Defending Pokémon is now Paralyzed.
illus. Hajime Kusajima
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Like Smeargle’s “Portrait”, but worse.
Adam Capriola
Hah I never noticed that. Good call! They really do just keep recycling old cards.
They recycle old cards without creating any new mechanics since HGSS actually :(
Blob Takeshi
More like since Base Set 2.
Base Set 2 was a reprint set due to the shortage of Base Set – Jungle cards in the US. It’s not the same as reusing the same concepts over and over again and try to label them as totally new cards
Blob Takeshi
So it was a way to condense them down?
Yup, alongside Fossil
Imagine having to explain to someone who plays the games why Torkoal POP does double damage to Sableye SS.
I never noticed this weird weakness lol
I still don’t understand Delta species from a flavor perspective. I’m sure they’d be the biggest source of confusion to someone who has never played before.
The basic plot explanation, IIRC, was that scientists established an outpost in an attempt to find Mew, but the frequencies from the outpost’s technology resulted in massive genetic mutation, mainly shifting pokemon to different types.
Coincidentally, they tended to become fire and electric types, the two most under-represented types, barring metal and dark, which lacked basic energies at the time. HMMMM
Blob Takeshi
Wait… what happened to Dark Types not haveing weaknesses? This is the one Pokémon (along with Eelektross line and Spiritomb) that deserves to have no weaknesses! (at least until Gen 6).
Foon-Gus Fring
“Dark Bind” returns on Team Aqua’s Cacturne