- ↓ 0.01
- ꩜ 0.06
- ↑ 3.99
Search your deck for a card that has no Abilities and evolves from 1 of your Pokémon, and put it onto that Pokémon to evolve it. Then, shuffle your deck. You can use this card on a Pokémon you put down when you were setting up to play or on a Pokémon that was put into play this turn.
· Supporter rule: You may play only 1 Supporter card during your turn.
illus. Ryuta Fuse
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
This cant skip from a basic to a stage 2 can it?
No, it can’t. (On a related note, Rare Candy doesn’t really make sense as written, IMO. It should probably read “If you have a Stage 2 card in your hand that evolves from a Stage 1 card that evolves from that [Basic] Pokémon…” The existence or non-existence of such a Stage 1 card is considered public knowledge even if it’s not part of your deck.)