- ↓ 0.01
- ꩜ 0.09
- ↑ 1.31
{G} → Absorb : 10
Heal 10 damage from this Pokémon.
illus. Yuka Morii
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
If it remains still, it looks just like a real nut. It delights in surprising foraging Pokémon.
And now for a brief history of Yuka Morii’s ‘repeat’ contributions to the TCG.
POP8 Happiny is clearly the same model as MT Happiny – but given those released around the same time, I think we’re meant to notice that, and it’s the same idea with the doubling up on Transformed Dittos in EX Delta Species. There are also 5 different JP-only Pikachu promos (DP-P 98, 99, 100, 101, 102) that are again, same model, just reused in different scenes/etc. Yuka Morii superfans will also point out some doubling up on Pokémon she did for Pokémon Plaza (a JP-only 1998 CoroCoro promo) but for the sake of brevity I’ll be ignoring that card.
Ignoring those, other Pokémon she’s doubled up on include;
Aquapolis Lickitung and Platinum Lickitung
· They look different to me. See Morii’s Tweet as well; https://archive.ph/70HEH
Skyridge Pikachu and POP2 Pikachu
· They look identical to me.
Skyridge Dunsparce and ROS Dunsparce
· Can’t really tell. It could be a reuse but it feels unlikely to be one.
TRR Spinarak and PGO Spinarak (different models – legs and back pattern)
· Newly created, as per Morii’s Twitter: https://archive.ph/SFvyE
Legend Maker Seedot and this Seedot
· Newly created, as per Morii’s Twitter: https://archive.ph/Mpxuu