- ↓ 0.42
- ꩜ 1.17
- ↑ 6.74
Ability ⇢ Unobservant
If your opponent’s Active Pokémon is a Basic Pokémon, this Pokémon can’t attack.
{C}{C}{C}{C} → Crushing Blow : 100
Discard an Energy attached to the Defending Pokémon.
illus. Naoki Saito
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
The world’s laziest Pokémon. When it is lounging, it is actually saving energy for striking back.
Garbage, even without the ability… -_-
Adam Capriola
At first I though the Ability prevent Basic from attacking Slaking… not Slaking from attacking Basics. Why even handicap this bad card?
What I’m wondering is how this is even at 36%? Even preevolutionary forms that nobody played are better than this. Its absolute garbage not worth the cardboard its printed on.
Well, you could play it with Garbodor for energy removal, but that would suck.
*Yaaaaawn* I just woke up guys. I think this format is a GOOD TIME to try out my new drawback ability.
I understand the concept of a card designed to test novice players, but the only lesson they are teaching kids with this card is that expensive basic EXs and ingame legendary pokemon are so dominant in this format that this guy is a useless. “Stage 2s are pointless in this format. After fielding this guy, you should see why.” I mean, really? A “test” rare designed to teach players that the format is horribly lopsided and requires players to shell out cash on rare pokemon?
With an Ability called “Unobservant”, you’d think that it wouldn’t care what Pokemon it was facing.
Even with a metagame filled with evolutions, a line of Hammers to maximize your energy denial gimmick, and compatibility with Heavy Ball and Aspertia City Gym…… He still isn’t worth playing.
Filled with evolutions? We have Hydreigon and Blastoise at the most.
I wasn’t saying that was the way things were, I was stating that even in its most ideal world, its still awful by current standards.
This artwork of Slaking’s is giving off Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/FireRed/LeafGreen front battle sprite vibes.
Tatu chín đai
This artwork looks like the inside of Norman’s gym, yes?
No? It doesn’t look like it at all. Presumably it’s a location in the Generation 5 games (Team Plasma’s Castle or whatever it is?)
Tatu chín đai
Ah, my mistake. I totally forgot what the Petalburg Gym looks like.