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Flip a coin. If heads, choose a type (other than Colorless) and put a Coloring counter on the Defending Pokémon. That Pokémon is now the type you chose. If it already had a Coloring counter, remove the old one. If tails, this attack does nothing.
illus. Tomokazu Komiya · LV.21
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Once it becomes an adult, it has a tendency to let its comrades plant footprints on its back.
I wonder why Wizards was always so adamant that Colorless wasn’t a “real” type. You couldn’t change types, weaknesses or resistances with to Colorless with any car of the era. In fact, nothing ever even had a colorless weakness or resistance until Ruby & Sapphire.
TBF this wasn’t a Wizards thing, the original JP did the same thing. I think there’s both meta and thematic purposes for treating the Colorless type as, well, “less” than the other types – and in exchange for not being able to take advantage of any elemental magickry, they got certain immunities/neutral zone benefits thereof. And, after all, how can you “Color” something to be “Colorless”?
To be fair, if you allowed him to make pokemon colorless, you could throw out Sprout Tower and Unown N, and then suddenly they have to overcome -60 to all of their damage, with no hope of ever hitting a weakness
It’s a shame that this couldn’t see tournament use.
I would have loved to see this card as an anti-dark tech (or really just anti-Murkrow): wait until your opponent puts on some Darkness Energy and then change the defending’s type to non-Dark. At that point, they’ll begin to “poison” themselves, proportional to the amount of Darkness they had.
Silly, but fun.
Naturally you’re typically going to want to make the opponent Psychic. This not only protects Smeargle from their attacks but can just cripple Metal types loaded with their special energy. Minus 70 damage? Yes please! Secondly, Color counters aren’t removed unless the Pokemon evolves, so extra pain to non-evolving decks. Further once a Pokemon is Psychic you can bring in Murkrow (Neo Genesis) to Mean Look the opponent and start sniping their bench. Ruthless combo right there.
Dr. λ the Creator of Variables, Binder of Variables, Applicator of Terms, Checker of Types, and β-Reducer of β-Redexes
Promo Porygon is does what this Smeargle does but better.
Yeah but that card breaks the bank, it’ll set you back like 700 dollars
If this was a once per turn ability that let you attach a color counter to any one Pokemon, do you think it would see play?
So we’re talking three total changes, yes?
1) The attack is now an Ability
2) It no longer requires a coin flip to use
3) It works on any Pokémon in play, instead of just the Defending Pokémon
Yes, this would see at least some successful competitive play as with the above changes; it would probably be broken without counters being used in most other decks. The simplest use is all but ensuring your attacking Pokémon can exploit Weakness. If your opponent cannot deal with Coloring Counters on his or her own Pokémon, you might prevent them from ever exploiting your own Weakness, or even force them to constantly attack into Resistance. Throw in Type support and counters, and things get really crazy.
The Coloring Counter here is the same as the Coloring Counter a JP-only Porygon promo could place. The Porygon promo also has a very crazy “All Clear” attack that Wizards really would’ve had a conniption over.