- ↓ 2.68
- ꩜ 3.79
- ↑ 5.58
{C} → Fury Swipes : 10×
Flip 3 coins. This attack does 10 damage times the number of heads.
{D}{D} → Beat Up : 20×
Flip a coin for each of your Pokémon in play (including this one). This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
illus. Ken Sugimori · LV.34
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Its paws conceal sharp claws. If attacked, it suddenly extends the claws and startles its enemy.
Pokémon 31337
This was incredible. Too bad the reprint wasn’t so good on my view. Oh well, things change a lot after so much time.
The reprint was still awesome, but you pretty much had to use Weavile UD and Memory Berry to use it. And plus, a T2 140 is no laughing matter, and now that FlipTini is out, it’s awesome.
I just realized that a Beat Up with 6 heads, 2 Spec Darks, a Darkness Claw, and a PlusPower OHKOes Mewtwo.
Neo Genesis was like a couterpart from Base Set : while the Trainer cards were not broken (except Bill’s Teleporter), the Pokémon were.
Sneasel, Murkrow, Slowking and Cleffa were 4 of the best Pokémon in the game, and now 3 of them still are.
Chuck Rancor
I’m sorry, I never understood why this card was worth banning, anyone want to explain?
Pokémon 31337
I would consider this one a donking master for its time. It was a very good basic, with no weakness to exploit, free retreat, and with some decent basic swarm you can hit for great amounts of damage (most basic pokémon at the time had 40-60, hp, so they weren’t that hard to knock out with Sneasel, helped by Plus Power). If a basic like Victory Star Victini existed at that time, it would be even more broken.
You know, doing 80 damage on average for 2 energies was pretty broken. (it does 80 damage of only half of the coin flips were heads, and it gets +20 damage from the 2 Darkness Energies). Plus it’s a basic, so you can get it out pretty easily. Also, no weakness, no retreat cost, and resistance to a somewhat common type is pretty damn awesome, too.
People will say the same to Mewtwo EX in 10 years. If you’re smart that’s your answer.
Tatu chín đai
Sneasel shoulda made it into the CEL classic collection! Oh well, we got Cleffa instead.
Sneasel had come back relatively recently as a spiritual reprint in SM6b, which made it into Celestial Storm. They probably wanted to avoid any doubling up and used CEL as an opportunity to pick some alternates that didn’t make it into that set.
Tatu chín đai
Aha, you’re right! Forgot about the Celestial Storm version.
I’m surprised some pkmn didn’t have weaknesses back then. I mean, Sneasel being Dark/Ice has a few obvious weaknesses!
If Beat Up did only 10x, would it have still be broken?
Perhaps the highest rated card on PKMN CARDS.