- ↓ 0.01
- ꩜ 0.08
- ↑ 11.50
{C} → Double Draw
Draw 2 cards.
{C} → Flail : 10×
This attack does 10 damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon.
illus. Yukiko Baba
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If a tree branch shakes when there is no wind, it’s a Sudowoodo, not a tree. It hides from the rain.
Henry VIII
We’re getting a new Sudowoodo in Astral Radiance! Wish we were getting a Bonsly, too :(
Warnock 2022
This was the third Sudowoodo with the “Flail” attack

This is the first Sudowoodo that isn’t weak to water. Rather sad — Sudowoodo kept the water weakness even when other Rock-types didn’t, seemingly referencing its susceptibility to watering cans in the main series.
Far from the only example of nonsensical “simplifying” of weaknesses that started in SwSh, though.
Henry VIII
Personally I don’t mind the “simplifying” of weaknesses; it makes it easier to build new counter decks to specifically target whatever deck happens to be at the top of the format (at this moment, Arceus VSTAR). I just wish they would actually make Resistances more dynamic! Every single type in the video games has immunities and/or resistances–so why not in the TCG? For example, there’s no reason why rock-type Pokemon like this guy don’t have a fire resistance!
That’s a trend that can be traced back to Gen 1, which mostly used resistance to reflect main series immunities. Flying-types historically resist Fighting (because of Ground immunity), Ghost-types resist Fighting or Normal, Steel-types resist whatever type currently has Poison in it, Dark resists Psychic, etc.
XY was where this pattern diverged, with Electric gaining a Steel resistance and Fairy resisting Dark instead of Dragon.
But yeah, SwSh had a great opportunity to redo the resistance system to apply it more widely, they just….didn’t. But at least it got boosted back to its -30 Gen 1 levels!
Addendum: forgot that Electric had actually flirted with Steel immunity a few times prior to XY, but the overall immunity trend was still pretty consistent.
SwSh got rid of that trend and resistance is now basically just used however they feel like.