- ↓ 0.43
- ꩜ 0.91
- ↑ 4.02
Ability ⇢ Safeguard
Prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokémon by Pokémon-EX.
{W}{C}{C} → Aurora Beam : 70
illus. kawayoo
Formats: Modified: 2014 · Standard: 2015 · Expanded: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, Current
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
It races around the world to purify fouled water. It dashes away with the north wind.
Just a heads up to the Keldeo / Blastoise players ;)
Sadly, the fact that it has an ability leaves it just as vulnerable to Latias EX, the one tech that you REALLY do not want to see(and,consequentially will almost certainly see), as the other two are. Sigilyph saw play and this is basically a slightly heftier,type shifted sigilyph…and as a water type, this will see play in a water type deck. I just think it’s going to be a bit disappointing.
so is this saying, safe guard stops all kinds of attacks from an EX or just certain effects that cause damage?
Adam Capriola
Give a specific example of what you’re trying to clarify. (I’m not sure what you mean.)
well it says safeguard prevents all effects of attacks, including damage, from an EX pokemon. so does that mean any source of attack from an EX card is nullified for example like, Aegislash’s kings shield attack?
Aegislash isn’t an EX. I’m really confused what you’re tying to say here.
i know aegislash isnt an EX that isnt what i was saying. i was comparing the effect not the pokemon. im asking if safeguard works the same way as King’s shield, but for EX pokemon, or does safeguard only prevent a certain kind of attack. when it says “prevents all effects of attacks, including damage” that is what is confusing me, as to weather it only stops “effects” that cause damage or just damage in general
Safeguard prevents an EX Pokemon from doing anything to it at all. It cannot be damaged, be inflicted with a status condition, be automatically knocked out, have damage counters placed, energies removed or moved from it, be removed from the active position or off the bench, be prevented from retreating, have its weakness/resistance/retreat cost/type modified, or, well, be effected in ANY way by a Pokemon EX’s attack.
Ok, that is what I was wondering. I figured that is what it meant but, you kno wthese cards can be a little difficult to understand with just the slightest difference in the way they word things. So basically this card is an anti EX card
An old ruling (funnily enough, concerning Suicune (Neo Revelation 14) ) stated that attacks that prevent “effects of your opponent’s attacks [done to this pokemon]” ignore all effects ENTIRELY, notoriously including effects that don’t even target the pokemon, such as Clefa’s Eeeeeeek. Applying this liberal standard, and taking into consideration this card’s ability to prevent damage, Cursed Drop wouldn’t even come close to putting damage counters on Suicune.
But,again, that’s using an arcane,archaic, and controversial ruling.
Don’t quote me on this, but I’m pretty sure Chandelure EX can actually place damage counters on this.
So cursed Drop would still place damage on it since its not direct damage?
Isn’t that an effect of an attack, though? I completely understand the difference between damage counters and damage, but the catch here is that its being done via an attack effect, right?
So my thought is it does, but if a Mega Blastoise uses Hydro Bombard, does safe guard not only prevent the damage done to Suicune but also the 30 damage done to the two bench Pokémon, our do the benches Pokémon still receive the damage? Thank you.
Unless the benched Pokemon have Safeguard themselves, only the damage done to Suicune is cancelled. Note the phrase “done to this Pokemon.”
This was my initial thought as well, but was persuaded under the explanation that because it’s an effect of the attack that it’s nullified by the ability.
i don’t know how or what, but i just got out of a game where MY suicune… this card suicune, just got owned by a yveltalEX, a game from ptcg online to be exact. so i need some anwsers, whoever.. because i am so confused right now.
Because PTCG online is buggy? That shouldn’t happen, can you report it to PTCG online?
Looks like they failed to properly implement the pokemon’s template. I bet the same thing happens against the other XY EX Pokemon.
there can only be a few anwsers,,
1. the game is bugged.
2. there was a Garbodor (Dragons Exalted 54) on the bench with a tool attached.
3. a very lucky glitch.
Or, as Feyblade pointed out, Yvelal EX may not have been set up properly. I’m not 100% certain how the game is set up behind the scenes, but I assume the programming team has set up some generic system for card entry where a new card can be quickly entered into the game. Someone may have remembered to up the “prizesWorth” variable, but forgot to click the “Pokemon EX” check box.
TCGO has ALWAYS been glitched.