- ↓ 2.79
- ꩜ 4.78
- ↑ 19.99
Choose 1 of your Evolved Pokémon, remove the highest Stage Evolution card from it, and shuffle it into your deck (this counts as devolving that Pokémon). If that Pokémon remains in play, search your deck for an Evolution card that evolves from that Pokémon and put it onto that Pokémon (this counts as evolving that Pokémon). Shuffle your deck afterward.
illus. Katsura Tabata
External: Pokemon.com ↗, Bulba ↗ · #ad / Affiliate Links: TCGplayer ↗, cardmarket ↗, Amazon ↗, eBay ↗
For mad fun, try fielding a classic set/e-reader set card, only to use this and replace it with something from stormfront or any of the other power-creep heavy sets.
Blob Takeshi
Wait… so this only really works on Eevee and if you keep different evolved Pokémon cards (like 2 different Marshtomp cards).
Surprise! My Fossil Kabutops is now a Kabutops ex! Be careful who you call ugly in middle school.
Been playing an unlimited singleton mutants format with a focus on more modern cards with some old ones sprinkled in. This card comes in handy so often when you have to grab the evolution that you really want rather than the one that you have in hand.
We need a Team Rocket Returns Again again set so that cards like this can come back. I’m sure the effect has its uses, but the text suggests an absolutely ludicrous Rube-Goldberg machine that exists only to return you to where you were a minute ago. Goodness knows what’s crossing that Marshtomp’s mind. I love it.
Tatu chín đai
It can also be played to switch a Pokémon VMAX for a VSTAR (like Leafeon V or Charizard V).
Pretty hilarious to think about!
When I first saw this card I wondered if there really was a check-for-KOs “window” between devolving the Pokémon and re-evolving it. The “If that Pokémon remains in play” text implies that you should check for KOs… but the Japanese text for the second half of the card explicitly mentions KO (きぜつ)–“退化したとき、そのポケモンがきぜつしなかったなら、[…]”, roughly, “If the Pokémon didn’t faint when it devolved,[…]”.
…Honestly, I’m glad that modern Pokémon doesn’t have too many actions that can trigger in the middle of card effects. It’s a bit of a rulings nightmare when it does happen–Welder, I’m looking at you…